Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Deciding Between an Offset Patio Umbrella and a Cantilever Umbrella

Are you having as much difficulty as I am figuring out the difference between an offset patio umbrella and a cantilever patio umbrella? I finally decided to tackle this issue once and for all. After much research I have come to the conclusion that there really isn't much difference other than some mere technicalities.

An offset umbrella has typically aluminum or wood support pole extending up from the support stand and then at the top bends and angles abruptly out over the shaded area and a canopy is attached to the end of the pole. A cantilever similarly has an aluminum or wood support pole extending up from the support stand but then will typically have another piece of aluminum or wood affixed to the main support pole that extends out over the shaded area and an umbrella is then suspended from this second piece of aluminum or wood.

Is there any added benefit of having an offset patio umbrella over a cantilever? The only added benefit that I could find would be the easy ability of the lowering the height from the ground to the umbrella with the cantilever umbrella. Typically by raising the lever pole you can raise and lower the umbrella quite easily. The offset umbrella on the other hand would require a two piece support pole that fit inside of each other with a pin apparatus with holes drilled through the poles allowing for raising and lowering of the entire pole and then placement of a pin to secure the poles in position. (This is very similar to the standard market umbrellas)

Both the offset and the cantilever umbrellas will usually allow for tilting to track the movements of the sun in the sky. This will maximize the shade potential of the umbrellas when the sun is low in the sky during sunrise and sunset.

The stand or base support structure is essentially identical for the offset umbrella as it is for the cantilever umbrella. They base units are typically weighted down to prevent the umbrella from toppling in high winds. Both offset umbrellas and cantilever umbrellas have an increased risk of toppling in high winds compared to the standard market umbrella with its center support pole.

Optional accessories for the cantilever umbrella are the same as for the offset umbrella. Most manufacturers include optional LED and fiber optic add-on lighting kits and add-on speakers for digital music players.

Total cost for the offset umbrella and cantilever umbrella appear to be almost identical. The majority of the cost is determined by the material of the support pole, base, fabric, etc. Availability for both types of umbrellas is the same. They can be purchased at most major hardware stores and outdoor furniture stores. The majority of online retailers carry both types of umbrellas.

I hope you have enjoyed this article finally putting to rest the difference between offset patio umbrellas and cantilever umbrellas. Stay tuned for more upcoming articles expounding on additional features and benefits of patio umbrellas.

Patio Heaters: 4 Deciding Factors Revealed   Creating Your Dream Deck - How To Select Decking Material That Is Right for You   Garden Furniture That Lasts for Years   Patio Heaters: Best Kept Buying Secrets Revealed!   City of Ottawa Deck Permits   Deck Coatings - How to Choose the Right Coating   

What To Expect From Outdoor Sails

An outdoor space can be the best place where families can bond together and spend quality time with each other. In the outdoors, you can actually do so many fun activities that the entire family will enjoy. You can also spend some small gatherings in your outdoor area. You do not have to rent a place where you can hold occasions as your outdoor space can definitely become the perfect one as long as you have arranged and organized it. To make the place more comfortable and attractive, you can set up outdoor sails so that the place can be protected from the sunrays and rain. Aside from these, you are also adding color and life to the place as these sails have various designs and styles to choose from.

There are so many things that you can expect to get from your outdoor sails. First, it is the most effective sun screen and rain protector that you can ever install in your place. These sails do not allow sunlight to pass through it making the place where it is installed protected and shaded. It can also protect the place from the rain as most of these are water-resistant.

Outdoor sails can give your place attractive and unique good appearance. These come in different shapes like square, round, rectangle or oval. It can add some personality to the place. It also comes in different sizes, styles and designs. The colors that this can bring will definitely make your place an attraction among other people. It makes your place look lively and comfortable. It removes the boring and dull appearance of your outdoor space because of the designs and colors that it carries.

This product is very versatile. You can actually install it at any outdoor space you can think of. You can set it up in your patios, deck, porches, verandas, garden, lawn, backyard or any outdoor area where you want to create a special place for you and your family to relax in.

This is very easy to set up, arrange and maintain. You do not have to be an expert in order to have these installed in your place. It is also very easy to clean or uninstall. It is also very affordable. It is very useful but not harsh to the pocket. One can definitely afford buying this shading product for their homes.

This product is available at any weather protection and covers stores. There are now different types of outdoor sails that people can choose from. They can just buy the one that will be best suitable for their outdoor space. Outdoor sails are the best way to stay protected from any weather and stay comfortable in your outdoor area. Setting this up will give you the best place to stay in your home. You can even have small parties in your shaded outdoor area with your friends and family. This is a useful yet so simple tool that you should have in your place.

Patio Heaters: 4 Deciding Factors Revealed   Creating Your Dream Deck - How To Select Decking Material That Is Right for You   Garden Furniture That Lasts for Years   Patio Heaters: Best Kept Buying Secrets Revealed!   City of Ottawa Deck Permits   Creating an Amazing Decking Space   

Three Styles of Composite Porch Decking

Adding a porch or deck increases the functionality and value of any home. They offer the ability to entertain numerous guests at once, which may not have been an available option beforehand. However, constructing the porch or deck may seem like a daunting task to many people. Yet, composite porch decking makes construction easy and quick. There are several styles to choose from, each offering its own unique style and pizazz that would pair well with many different types of homes.

Capricorn is one of the most popular styles. It was inspired by the tropical getaways that many people can only dream of experiencing. It resembles real wood and can come in a variety of rich brown colors to make any homeowner happy with their decision. While some people may think that real wood would be a better investment, this composite is much more durable. It is naturally water resistant, which means homeowners do not have to worry about the possibility of rotting (which is an ever present factor with a wooden deck). Overall, it stands up to the test of time much better.

The marine style is great for someone who has a house or vacation home on the waterfront. It is designed to resemble the docks and boardwalks along the ocean. It can be built around the house to serve as a porch, or it can be made into a pathway leading to the water, which cuts down on getting covered in sand. The unique finish is slip and water-resistant. This not only protects the integrity of the structure, but also the safety of those who walk on it because wet, slippery feet can sometimes make a disastrous combination.

Both of these predecessors stemmed from the Intrepid design. It is the original composite porch decking. It has a reversible design, so if someone ever tires of their porch or deck it can be switched over with a little hard work. On one side is a smooth and solid finish. On the flip side is a textured surface that resembles real wood. Both make for a durable deck that will last many years. Like the marine style, it is slip resistant to help protect others as they walk along it. Since they are wood free, they are splinter free, allowing everyone to walk in their bare feet without any type of worry.

Homeowners always seem to have an endless list of improvements they want to make to their homes. The addition of a deck or porch will always be one of the first on the list for many. Every homeowner seems to have the need to allow their home to reach its full potential. Composite porch decking is a fun and unique way to fulfill this need. They are not only an addition to a home; they are an investment in a home. A porch or deck will increase the value of a home and allow homeowners the freedom to entertain family and friends (which is the greatest benefit of them all).

Patio Heaters: 4 Deciding Factors Revealed   Creating Your Dream Deck - How To Select Decking Material That Is Right for You   Garden Furniture That Lasts for Years   Patio Heaters: Best Kept Buying Secrets Revealed!   

Deck Restoration Tips: How to Protect Your Wooden Deck From the Elements

Your backyard deck plays host to barbecues, dinner parties, sunbathing, family game time, and more, and thus you want to keep it looking its best. Unfortunately, outdoor wooden structures are susceptible to weather damage over time; rain and sun exposure alike can contribute to a wooden deck's aesthetic and structural deterioration. To help prevent this damage, you can apply a variety of weatherization products and sealants yourself, depending on the scope of the project and your level of home improvement skill, or you can contact a deck restoration professional to tackle the job.

Water Damage

Excessive moisture can cause wood to warp, rot, or grow mold. During and after a rainstorm, water can seep into the boards of your deck through cracks or splits in the wood, as well as through nail or screw holes. The longer the boards remain damp, the greater the chance of permanent damage. While certain types of wood resist rot more than others, most decks need to be resealed every one to two years.

So how do you know if your deck is becoming water-damaged? If the wood looks like it's absorbing water after a rainstorm, rather than the water beading on top of the wood, it's time to give your deck some TLC. Start the deck repair process by replacing any weakened, warped, or rotten boards. Sweep the deck and wash off any dirt using a deck wash or high-powered hose. Let the wood dry completely. Then, apply the waterproofing sealant of your choice, based on your particular deck's construction and materials. For best results, apply weatherization products when the sun is out and the temperature is between 50 and 90 degrees.

Sun Damage

Direct sunlight and extreme heat can fade wood, leaving your once-vibrant deck a dull gray. Heat can also dry out wooden boards, and dry boards are actually more susceptible to water retention. Bring back your wood's former color by applying a deck-brightening solution, available at most hardware stores. Or, take the opportunity to transform your deck by staining the wood. You can apply stain yourself, or hire a deck staining company for a professional, uniform finish.

After the stain has dried completely, apply a weatherization product that blocks UV rays. This will protect the wood and the color from further sun damage. As with waterproofing sealants, apply sun-protecting products to clean boards on a sunny, mild day.

Temperature Changes

Sudden temperature changes can stress wood. A major drop in temperature will cause wood to contract, while a sudden increase in heat will cause wood to expand. If the temperature jumps back and forth repeatedly, you might see an increase in popped-up nails as the boards shift around. Hammer these nails back into place or replace them with longer nails or wood screws to allow for some movement. Replace boards that have cracked to prevent people from tripping or getting splinters.

When doing any deck restoration or repairs, always check the structural supports as well as the top boards. Severely weakened wood can collapse, leading to personal injury as well as property damage. Even if your deck doesn't look like it's deteriorating on the surface, it is always a good idea to assess it once a year. Whether you make repairs yourself or call in a professional, a well-maintained outdoor deck will add value to your home and bring joy to your family for years to come.

Patio Heaters: 4 Deciding Factors Revealed   Creating Your Dream Deck - How To Select Decking Material That Is Right for You   Garden Furniture That Lasts for Years   Patio Heaters: Best Kept Buying Secrets Revealed!   

New Trends in Garden Retreats - Designing The Perfect Outdoor Bedroom

These days, more and more individuals are trying to find new and exciting uses for their outdoor spaces. Many are using decks and patios for outdoor second living rooms and kitchens, making use of strong and durable wicker furniture to create the perfect areas for entertaining and relaxing.

While these types of outdoor rooms are common, they are not the only options available to you. If you want to think outside the box and create a unique living area outdoors, consider designing a unique and fun outdoor bedroom.

Tips For Designing an Outdoor Bedroom

If you enjoy sleeping under the stars, don't settle for a tent in the backyard. With the right tools, you can design the perfect outdoor bedroom where you can enjoy a romantic evening on those warm summer nights.

Cover Your Head- Make sure your patio or outdoor space has a roof. This will protect you from inclement weather. A roof will also help prevent the sun from bearing down on you during your afternoon nap, keeping you safe from sunburns and sun poisoning. It also provides you with shade so your outdoor bedroom remains at a cooler temperature than other open areas of your backyard. Create Walls- While you don't want to completely enclose your outdoor bedroom because, let's face it, that would ruin the entire point of an outdoor space, you will still want to protect yourself from the sun and bugs. Adding curtains will keep out the sun in the early morning and during the day when you are sleeping. By adding mosquito netting, you can keep out flying insects and prevent bugs from crawling in your bed. Flooring- Even though you are outdoors, that does not mean you have to deal with grass, dirt, wood, or concrete under your feet. When you wake up in the morning, wouldn't it be wonderful if you could step on a comfortable floor? Go barefoot with some outdoor carpet, rubber flooring, or even an outdoor rug. Don't Settle For Just a Bed- You will of course, need a bed in your outdoor bedroom, but try to include other types of furniture as well so this space can truly be comfortable and used for more than just sleeping. Add wicker furniture, like a day bed, sofa, or loveseat. This will allow you to use your bedroom to read your favourite book, chat with your loved ones, or simply sit and watch the sun set. Decorate!- Once you have the basic structure of your bedroom set up and your wicker furniture in place, start decorating. Pull in ideas from the outdoors with big planters full of green shrubbery and plants. Use colourful pillows, blankets, throws, and seat cushions to add plenty of variety to your décor. Make sure you also use an outdoor storage bench so you can store these items when you are not using them. Fill your outdoor space with bookshelves, exercise equipment, games, or any other resource that will help you entertain others and thoroughly enjoy your new bedroom.

Individuals who love sleeping outdoors and dream of breathing in the night air will love designing their own outdoor bedroom with wicker furniture. This unique outdoor space is the perfect way to enjoy your backyard for years to come.

Patio Heaters: 4 Deciding Factors Revealed   Creating Your Dream Deck - How To Select Decking Material That Is Right for You   Garden Furniture That Lasts for Years   Patio Heaters: Best Kept Buying Secrets Revealed!   City of Ottawa Deck Permits   Deck Coatings - How to Choose the Right Coating   

Turn Your Studio Apartment Into an Upscale Abode With Contemporary Wicker Furniture

Sometimes studio apartments get a bad reputation, and sometimes they deserve it. But with a little work and creativity, a studio apartment can go from a cramped disaster to a unique, sophisticated, and stylish living area to be proud of. A small space doesn't mean your apartment should look like a dorm room. These tips and suggestions will have you on your way to transforming your studio apartment into an upscale abode once and for all.

Wiggle Room

One of the best and worst characteristics of a studio apartment is what sets it apart from other living areas: space. Because studio apartments are small, it's much easier to keep track of housecleaning and other chores, but your apartment may also become cramped and cluttered because of the lack of wiggle room. A stuffy, messy space is anything but fashionable. Luckily, contemporary space savers can help provide just the extra breathing room you need to feel comfortable.

Getting Creative with Space Savers

Here are a few ideas taken from a leading decorator in Hong Kong - the space saving capital of the world:

Under the bed drawers for shoes, photo albums, sweaters, or other items. Cubbies on top of shelves. If you have shelves on the top of your closet, you generally have a lot of wasted upward space. Cubbies are stackable and can help you utilize all the space all the way to the ceiling. Bench storage boxes. Synthetic wicker furniture benches are available in a variety of sizes and provide you with a contemporary place to sit, along with a nice, large storage area. A drop leaf dining room table. Eating at the kitchen bar is the best space saving option, but if you truly need a dining room table, a drop leaf is best.

Contemporary Comfort and Practical

Not only is your studio apartment about comfort and space saving, it's also about being practical. Using synthetic wicker furniture instead of cloth couches or sectionals will not only look upscale and beautiful, but synthetic wicker is also durable, cleanable, and stain resistant. With just a damp cloth, any spill is quickly wiped up, no damage done.

Another plus is the fact that wicker furniture can be used indoors or out, so you'll be able to store your wicker sectional on your patio if you are in need of more room in the living area, and move it inside periodically.

Your apartment should be your home. You want to be able to show it off one minute and relax the next. With space saving items and durable, contemporary wicker furniture, you'll have the best of both worlds.

Keeping it Light

Light coloured walls, white ceilings, and windows that are free of heavy coverings or drapes can help make your studio apartment seem larger than it is. Add mirrors on a living room wall or as a back splash in the kitchen to add even more space.

Your studio apartment isn't hopeless. Small isn't the end of the world. Now that you have these practical, space saving tips, let the renovations begin!

Patio Heaters: 4 Deciding Factors Revealed   Creating Your Dream Deck - How To Select Decking Material That Is Right for You   Garden Furniture That Lasts for Years   Patio Heaters: Best Kept Buying Secrets Revealed!   City of Ottawa Deck Permits   

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